Monday, September 19, 2011


You seem to be in high spirits today.

'Cos when a heart breaks no it don't break even.

I don't know how to feel. Happy, I should be. To see you happy this way.

While I'm wide awake he's no trouble sleeping.

This is probably why it's best that I move out today. I know a lot of people, especially women, when going through something like this, would try their best to show that they're strong. Vulnerability is a big no-no in a situation like this. But you know me. You've always known me. I've never been like most women. I wear my heart on my sleeve. This is how I feel, and lying to myself or even to the world is not going to make myself feel any better.

So I'm mourning.

'Cos he's moved on while I'm still grieving.

I'm torn apart inside. I was wondering what I'll be eating for lunch or dinner, and realise that I will not have to buy you food. I'll be missing that, for sure. Because somehow, within this innate part of me, I like caring for you. But neglect. Yes, I have made friends with the devil, and unfortunately you were part of the bargain. Or was I?

I'm very alone. I'm very lonely. I can't think of anyone I can actually call to come help me move. Or just come over to my new place and help me sort things out. What have I become? I don't know who I am no more.

I'm falling to pieces, yeah
I'm falling to pieces.

How do I wipe my tears dry and just move on from this?

'Cos when a heart breaks no it don't break even.

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